Sunday, February 01, 2009

Conference to focus on 'Connecticut at War'

Published on the H-Connecticut list:

"The Association for the Study of Connecticut History (ASCH), publisher of the journal Connecticut History, Connecticut Militia Heritage Committee, Connecticut Military Department, Connecticut State Library, and Manchester Community College are sponsoring a one and one half day conference on the subject of Connecticut at War on November 13-14, 2009. The meeting will feature concurrent and plenary sessions with speakers from diverse backgrounds discussing a variety of subjects.

"Men and women from Connecticut have been engaged in war and related home front activities for more than 370 years, from the time of the Pequot War to the Global War on Terrorism. These include King Phillip's War, the French and Indian Wars, American Revolution, Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, and, most recently, Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. Although research has been undertaken on many of these subjects, no conference has yet been held that focuses exclusively on Connecticut perspectives. This meeting will bring together people from different backgrounds and areas of expertise to explore wartime experiences from the time of the earliest days of European settlement to the present.

"Researchers are invited to submit proposals concerning Connecticut involvement in specific conflicts at both individual and unit levels, home front activities that could include defense related industries and support for those serving overseas, and ones that focus on citizen soldiers in the Connecticut militia and Connecticut Army and Air National Guard. Those studying the roles of women and minorities in
times of conflict are encouraged to participate.

"Historical society and museum personnel, graduate students, independent scholars, military personnel, teachers, and members of the academy are all invited to make presentations. For consideration, please submit a paper/presentation title, abstract of its contents, and a short c.v. Application deadline is May 1, 2009.

"Proposals should be sent to Bruce P. Stark, Connecticut State Library, 231 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106. Or emailed (in MSWord format) to: Telephone: (860) 757-6512

"For information, please contact Bruce P. Stark, ; David Corrigan, ; or George Ripley,"